The Grip of Veiling

Different traditions have provided authentic pointers to Truth. Yet, this has been lost in the web of beliefs and dogmas. Even so, the veil that separates us from Truth can be parted. Find out how to be free of the grip of veiling.

The Shadow of the Whip

Part of the Zen tradition, Koans are meant to precipitate Enlightenment. The Shadow of the Whip is a beautiful Koan, that brings the essence of the Truth to the fore. Come with an open mind, and unburdened heart, and be present to this opportunity to Awaken.

The Importance of Trust

You may be plagued with self-doubt, not just in the course of life, but in your spiritual practice as well. Learn about the importance of trust in your spiritual practice, and how to cultivate trust in authentic pointers to Reality.

What is True Self?

Are you the name that you were given? Are you the body? Are you the mind, the intellect, memories? What is the nature of this individual self that you think you are? What is its reality? What is True Self? Find out what the Masters point!