Life Is Happening For You

You see life as something happening to you. Therefore sometimes you enjoy life, and at other times you complain about life, or question life itself. But life is not happening to you, it is happening for you. Find out the profound secret of life’s experiences in this post.

The Shadow of the Whip

Part of the Zen tradition, Koans are meant to precipitate Enlightenment. The Shadow of the Whip is a beautiful Koan, that brings the essence of the Truth to the fore. Come with an open mind, and unburdened heart, and be present to this opportunity to Awaken.

Why do Some Things Happen in Life? The Secret of Life Experiences

Life experiences can be pleasant or painful. Some experiences can be challenging or even devastating. Rattled by the crazy ups and downs of life, you may wonder, why is life happening this way! There is a secret to life experiences – come and find what that is. It can transform how you look at life.

The Enigma of Emptiness

Emptiness is a difficult to understand, and a vastly misunderstood notion, and remains an enigma. Seen from a practical perspective, why would you want emptiness? Find what emptiness really implies, and how it is a pointer to Reality.

What is Your Purpose in Life?

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Is that to live in fear, anger, lack, littleness? You are here to wake up to the Wholeness, Freedom, Peace-love-happiness that is your real nature. Awaken!

What is Really Here?

What is really here? We experience thoughts, feelings, sensations, and through sense perceptions, we see things, people and more in the world. But is this what is really here? Come into this rational exploration to discover what is really here! Reality is non-dual, it is No-otherness.

What does it mean to Awaken?

What does it mean to Awaken? Reality is One without a second. It feels like peace-love-happiness without opposites. Your sense of separation veils this Reality. Awakening is to wake from the dream of veiled experiences, to the Reality that is, as it is, unchanging.