Whispers of Perfection

Your heart whispers about perfection. Peace that isn’t fickle. Love that isn’t bounded. Happiness that isn’t attached to a reason. You cannot seem to find it in this world, yet you keep trying. This poem points you to the source of perfection.

Elevate Your Consciousness? Say what!

“You need to elevate your consciousness!” You’ve no doubt heard some such advice in new age spiritual circles. Is this even sensible? Come and find the Truth in this short poem.

Life Is Happening For You

You see life as something happening to you. Therefore sometimes you enjoy life, and at other times you complain about life, or question life itself. But life is not happening to you, it is happening for you. Find out the profound secret of life’s experiences in this post.


You can notice that, often, you get carried away in the unfolding experiences, without any awareness of the same. Why does this happen? Come and find why this veiling happens, and what this veil is, and its real nature. An excerpt from the book, “Awaken: An Experiential Exploration of Enlightenment.”

When Seeking Ends Before It Starts

As a spiritual seeker, you no doubt seek answers to existential questions. You may even have a spiritual practice going on for years, and yet you may find that you are no closer to liberation, Enlightenment, now. This article presents a dialog between a prospective seeker and an awakened Master, where the person’s seeking ends even before it has fully started. Your seeking can end likewise. Come find out how!

What Do I Pray For You?

I have a precious prayer for you. It prays for blessings deep. Yet the prayer is more than a prayer. Find what its inner reflections are, for you.

The Real Guru

On the spiritual path, you’ve no doubt yearned to find the Guru, the authentic one, whom you can trust to lead you on your unfolding into freedom. But what is this “real Guru”? Where can you find one?