Be Like Rama Paati – A True Story Of Complete Surrender

Can you imagine having an awakened one in your own family? I recently came to know of such an amazing person in my extended family. Come and hear the story of Rama Paati, a true story of complete devotional surrender.

The Bounty of Real Surrender

When the experience of life is difficult as it can sometimes be, there is a great resource within you that you can connect to, that unleashes Grace. Come into this meditation with an open heart, and experience the real bounty of surrender.

The Profundity of Emptiness

In spiritual teachings, we come across the topic of Emptiness. While entirely unexciting to the normal person, it is also a source of confusion to the spiritual practitioner. See this short poem which reveals the profundity of Emptiness.

Surrender vs Giving Up

Many people think that surrender is a sign of weakness, that it implies giving up. The surrender we speak of here, cannot be more different than this misunderstanding. This little poem reveals the essential difference between surrender (in spiritual terms) and giving up.