The Bounty of Real Surrender

When the experience of life is difficult as it can sometimes be, there is a great resource within you that you can connect to, that unleashes Grace. Come into this meditation with an open heart, and experience the real bounty of surrender.

When You Lose A Dear One …

When you lose a dear one, there is great sadness, there is a great big hole inside of you. But have you recognized their parting gift to you? This poem reveals the great reflections that your departed dear one has left for you.

Your Specialness *

Even as everything about your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, expectations, desires and more change, and even as everything about the world you experience appears to change all the time, there is something in you that is special, that doesn’t change. Come and find this specialness in you.

What the World Needs

We can all readily notice that all is not well with the world. You may feel anger, disappointment, loathing, and myriad other feelings as a result. You may also feel like you need to do something to help change the world. But what does the world really need from you? This short poem reveals it.

Is It Time To Boost Your Vitamin-L Levels?

Among the likely causes for illnesses, there is a deeper cause that seems to be there in many cases with many people. We are starving for this inside – find in this little poem what we are deficient in, and how to address that deficiency.