Transmuting Anger into Impactful Change

Experiencing injustice in so many forms, you feel anger. Often that anger is laced with sadness and hopelessness, even though what you want is real positive change. Find out in this post, how to transform potent anger into positive change.

Is It Time To Boost Your Vitamin-L Levels?

Among the likely causes for illnesses, there is a deeper cause that seems to be there in many cases with many people. We are starving for this inside – find in this little poem what we are deficient in, and how to address that deficiency.

The Secret of Inviting Happiness

How to invite and experience happiness in your life? Come and find the secret of happiness in this revealing post.

Be Free

You think that the spiritual journey is one of accumulating wisdom. In reality, the spiritual journey is about shedding the load of falsehood. This poem points the way to the experience of Reality, that Truth of your real nature.

The Beauty of the Button Pushers

Do people in your life push your buttons? You know, tick you off, get you upset, make you fearful or angry? Why are they in your life? This verse gives you a profound perspective to realize the beauty of the button-pushers, how they are here to awaken you to your real freedom.

Understanding Meditation and The Peace Practice

The benefits of meditation are now proven by science. Many types of meditation practices are there to pick from depending on your leanings. The Peace Practice is a simple, yet powerful practice that has many practical and profound benefits. Find out more about these and what real meditation is.

What is Your Purpose in Life?

Why are you here? What is your purpose? Is that to live in fear, anger, lack, littleness? You are here to wake up to the Wholeness, Freedom, Peace-love-happiness that is your real nature. Awaken!